This Christmas Table
A Sonnet by Elysabeth Faslund

Welcome friends, family...Please be seated
Around this Christmas joy, table of food,
Good stories from the past year, and laughter...
All in abundance, all cherished dearly.

Everyone is here once more, to enjoy
Rest from their journey, warmth from our fireplace,
The feast from our table...given gladly
In sweet hopes we meet again this next year.

Join hands and hearts for the Grace offering...
A moment of silence to wish the ones...
Who for whatever reason, do not have
This bounty before them... the warmth of peace

In their hearts, trouble-free days, quiet nights.
A loving home be their journey's ending.


Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
II Corinthians 9:15

The best Christmas gift of all is the presence of a happy 
family all wrapped up with one another.