Of Rose Lipped Maidens

And Lightfoot Lads

I’ve had that poem going through my mind these past couple of days. I have been thinking of the beautiful story, Out of Africa and the beautiful way it was portrayed.

I am drawn to the serene colors in this movie – the colors of Africa – the colors of the clothing – white and khaki.

The main reason this movie has been on my mind is the scene where Denys washes Karen’s hair by the stream. The image of the creamy pitcher of water being poured over her backwards bent head is a romantic version of what I’m going through now.

My circumstance is not so glamorous. Our water heater has been out for a couple of days. One of the downsides to living in a small rural community is lack of service. Actually – we’ve had a few things to go out at the same time – is three the charm?

We are taking it in stride – with a bit of a sense of humor.
As I heat pot after pot and kettle after kettle of water, my husband envisions himself taking a ‘cowboy’ bath.

I’d rather envision myself years back – in the beautiful countryside of Africa – a romantic Victrola playing in the background as cool river water rinses my freshly washed hair.

Closing my eyes – I can be there….

The kettle is whistling! Off I go!